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Knowledgebase : Network Information
Here are the currently deployed servers in LankaHost Web Solutions (Pvt) Ltd and Name Servers of each server. HOST NAME PACKAGE TYPE NAME SERVERS All P...
LANKAHOST CLOUD DNS LankaHost Cloud DNS system is implemented on top of Word Class managed DNS service. This enable highly redundant and highly available infrastructure. In order to use LankaHost Cloud DNS, your domain must be pointed to following DNS...
LankaHost Web Solutions (Pvt) Ltd offer free Cloud based DNS management system for our LK Domain Holders. In order to utlize our Cloud DNS Infrasscture, your domains must be updated to following name servers NAME SERVER 1 :
LankaHost BizMail is hosted email package for business customers. Here are the DNS settings related to BizMail. However, you are not requires to change any DNS record if you are not using BizMail package through LankaHost. MX SETTINGS HOST NAME ...