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Posted by LankaHost NOC on 26 April 2018 03:26 AM

Scheduled Server Maintenance [5/1/2018]

Maintenance Type:
Firmware Maintenance

Action to be taken:
In an effort to ensure that our clients are receiving the best possible service moving forward, we will be performing a proactive firmware upgrade on one of our core routers in the Orlando data center.

Maintenance Window:
Start - 5/1/2018 @ 2:00 AM EDT ( 11:30 A.M Local Time )
End - 5/1/2018 @ 4:00 AM EDT  ( 1:30 P.M Local Time )

Datacenter Location:
USA.Orlando DC2

All the Shared Hosting Servers

Estimated Downtime:
We understand the importance of minimizing downtime while performing maintenance and for this reason we will do everything we can in hopes that we can expedite the process. Due to the redundancy of our setup most clients will only experience minor packet loss in up to 3 intervals of 5 minutes while the router is rebooted and then brought in/out of ICCP/MC-LAG with its other core member. No significant disruption or downtime of any kind is expected during this event, only re-routing and brief losses during global BGP re-convergence.

We do apologize for any inconvenience and ask that you please plan accordingly.

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